Okay...so every country has a big five now a days...i know..but Africa has the original Big Five...SO...I wanted to make sure i had a big five Africa collection of portraits/profiles in PENCIL of the Stars of the Show!. Elephant, Rhino, Lion, Leopard, Buffalo.
Here are the previews of my soon to be colage of the Big Five.
Other news: National Society of Artists Show is coming in May....i will submit The Lion Queen, PEacock Rainforest, Scattering of Scavengers, Kookaburras possibly. Texas City Art Festival My inkwork Durer's Dream won a ribbon but disappointingly that peacock painting of mine fails to win anything again.
My school's HGA ARt Show Teachers Choice is over and some happy students won bags of good art supplies. Next weekend I am escorting THREE MAGICAL AMAZING STUDENTS to the Texas State Visual Arts Scholastic Event in San Antonio Texas. Workshops and Art...and of course a special trip to the San Antonio Zoo.
Remember to buy your Hiser Art clothing, ipad and galaxy caess, and tote bags at www.redbubble.com and search Doug Hiser.
Ten Secrets of Love has been a good addition to my collection of published books and has all five star reviews. You can get it on Amazon.com.
Thanks for following, and countdown to Tanzania this summer.....