The Texas City Art Fest is such an amazing event. 300 pieces of art makes it one of the largest in the area. I took 3rd place Art under glass and felt honored among such variety and talent around me. The show will be available for viewing until next Thursday-GO OUT and SEE IT.
The opening was fantastic with a jazz band, tables of food, and drink, and a good award presentation. I loved talking with all the artists, some I knew and others I just met. The College of the Mainland Art Section was especially interesting. The Student sections were fantastic too with art from TC, La Marque and Dickinson schools.
I'm thinking of enetering a new show coming up in a few weeks and it will be a different kind of show and I will NOT be entering Wildlife art. Instead I have some surreal art -well it does involve animals! I have reworked the "Whale Elephant Girl" (a girl in a dress standing on an elephant which is also standing on a whale)-it was a watercolor and now I have painted over it with Acrylic and color pencil-so here is my new version. These are sections of the artwork.
this is so good https://www.ecomparemo.com/personal-loan